Thursday, March 24, 2011

3x1 Denim.

Now this isn't breaking news, WWD was actually first to report Scott Morriso had partnered with Eric Rothfeld to create 3x1 Denim a few weeks back. But today, my office has the opportunity to get the inside scoop - Eric Rothfeld is heading to SF and stopping by for a visit (Mr. Rothfeld co-founded the company I work for). Amongst the million other things I'm sure he has on the agenda, time has been set aside for my co-workers and I to partake in a little Q&A over milk and cookies - yes, my company is that darling.

Back to 3x1 - the concept is a little outside the box; a 7,300-square-foot space in Soho at 15 Mercer Street that will act as both a production facility and a shop, offering a behind-the-scenes look for denim aficionados.

Umm first question. When is a 3x1 opening in San Francisco?

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