What a fabulous year it was! Thanks to all who were a part of it.
Happy New Year!
xoxo, Ziggy

With the out of control basil plant currently growing in my tiny apartment and the funny emails inquiring about the plant in this picture, I knew I had to find another use for all this basil besides just my pasta - add olive oitl, fresh basil, goat cheese and pine nuts (yum!). I found a basil facial mask easy to make with ingredients found in most kitchens. It was nice to take a moment, place some cucumbers over my eyes and relax to the sweet smell of orange blossom - one of six votives from Jo Malone, a holiday gift favorite.
You will need:
What for?
Blend ingredients until smooth and apply facial mask on clean skin for 20-30 minute. Rinse with tepid water and enjoy the results!
I'm a happy girl :)