Friday, January 11, 2013


For a girl whose been under the weather all week, I do have to admit I've been pretty lucky to have this sweet little guy taking care of me. Here's to a weekend of rest, recovery and Oscillococcinum!

1 comment:

  1. I tried to find your request on Linked in, but I have like 2oo in there, and I at least checked. Send me the URL and I will immediately follow back. is the eMail I use for Linked in.

    NOW!! As to your "under the weather" I see you have a nice doggy to keep you feeling better. That's always nice.

    Great blog!! I love your sense of fashion and color and visuals. Very nice.

    Wanna guest post to a blog that has a million readers and is in the Top 25 cities nationwide? Been looking for Fashion columnist, it doesn't pay anything but you can get some serious backlinkage to your blog, and hits and followers and grow your audience.

    Best Regards,

    Lon Dunn AKA @PronetworkBuild on Twitter
    my Working eMail is

